Skilled Hands and a Healthy Body

Beneficiaries Description: a total of 171 beneficiaries, of which 137 are students, 34 are teachers and support staff

Project Areas: Khachaghbyur village, Gegharkunik region 

Project Goal: contribute to the development of students' physical education and vocational skills by establishing appropriate classrooms and organizing regular classes.

Project Objectives:

  1. Establish a Physical Education class and equip it with available supplies and tools.
  2. Establish a woodworking classroom and equip it with accessible accessories and tools.
  3. Develop a dynamically growing strategic plan for teaching the above-mentioned subjects in order to involve students through academic classes and additional classes and to use the created potential purposefully.
Project Type: Grant
Start Date:May 1, 2022
End Date: December 31, 2022
Coordinator/Responsible Person:Gevorg Aboyan
Implementer:The Secondary school of  Khachaghbyur village
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 3,000,000 USD: 6,122
Project Cost by Collaborating Organization:AMD: 842,580 USD: 1,720
Beneficiaries Number: 171