
Beneficiaries Description:  The first target group in the proposed Action are 3760 young people (13-17 years old) in schools; the second target group of the Action consists of 160 youth aged between 18 and 29 years.

Beneficiaries Description: 150 households that would introduce “backyard nursery” concept and become suppliers of trees and 7,000 schoolchildren that would be engaged in the activities of eco-clubs, participate to the summer camp and country-wide cleanup campaigns

Beneficiaries Description: Refugee families/children, women, elderly, etc. from Artsakh in Yerevan, Gavar, and Gyumri.

Beneficiaries Description: At least 50 people from all regions of Armenia 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 1,400 - 14-17 years old students from 70 schools of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 20,000 newborns and 50 trained ultrasound doctors and neonatologists (10 from Yerevan and 40 from regions) of Armenia. Indirect beneficiaries are the families of the newborns and disabled children.

Beneficiaries Description: Project directly targets about 120 students of 3 universities of Gyumri, Gavar and Vanadzor and young adults of surrounding communities; and 90 graduates of those 3 universities. Total number of direct beneficiaries is 210 youth. Indirectly project targets the other students of those 3 universities, universities' administration and staff, families of the graduates/students, community members. 

Beneficiaries Description: About 100 young people from Gegharkunik, Lori, Shirak, Tavush and Syunik regions of Armenia to be benefited from the initial business idea generation and development training, out of which 30-50 will be engaged into business planning and management training, and 20-30 potential young entrepreneurs will be financed and supported throughout the entire project. 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries: about 1,250 university students/ youth of 7 universities and students in Georgia and Lebanon nearly 400 young adults of surrounding communities, considering the gender balance. Indirect beneficiaries: other students of the seven universities student councils’ members, administration and staff of the universities, families of the students, community members and in general the public of Armenia/ Armenian population in Georgia and Lebanon.

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 1,400 - 14-17 years old students from 70 schools of Armenia
