Dairy in Aregnadem

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 24 members of "Aregnadem" Agricultural Consumer Cooperative, indirect beneficiaries are 488 inhabitants of Aregnadem village

Project Areas: Aregnadem village, Shirak region

Project Goal: to reduce poverty in Shirak marz of Armenia by contributing to local economic development of the rural population and women empowerment.

Project Objectives: to create the infrastructural conditions for new and sustainable employment and additional income sources for the rural population of the village of Aregnadem with a special focus on women in the field of collecting and selling milk, dairy and agricultural products at fair prices to intermediaries and/or directly in local markets under observance of necessary production standards

Project Type: Self-Developed
Start Date:September 15, 2014
End Date: October 31, 2014
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Gevorg Aboyan
Implementer:Green Lane NGO
Project Cost by Implementer:AMD: 9,617,000 USD: 23,746
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 2,000,000 USD: 4,938
Beneficiaries Number:1,300