Establishment of "Youth Friendly Services" on reproductive health in colleges of Armavir and Kotayk

Beneficiaries Description: Adolescents and youth aged 14-20; 12 health care providers and 30 teachers of 6 target colleges of Armavir and Kotayk Marzes

Project Areas: Abovian (Kotayk), Armavir (Armavir)

Project Goal: To promote healthy lifestyle and prevent RH problems among the youth/ adolescents of six colleges of Armavir and Kotayk marzes of Armenia.

Project Objectives:

  1. By the end of November 2006 to raise awareness (by 50%) of 956 adolescents and youth aged 14-20 from 3 colleges of Armavir and 3 colleges of Kotayk marzes on RH and healthy lifestyle issues/ risks.
  2. By August 2006 to raise awareness (by 50%) of health and educational staff of the target colleges of Armavir and Kotayk marzes on RH and healthy lifestyle issues/ risks.
  3. By the end of 2006 to increase (by 30%) the number of adolescents' visits to healthcare providers and strengthen the links among colleges, local healthcare institutions and central medical institutions.
Project Type:Grant, Direct Implementation
Start Date:12/01/2005
End Date:11/01/2006
Coordinator /
Responsible Person:
Zara Janibekyan
Partner Organization:Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
Project Cost by PartnerAMD: 151,000
Implementer: Children's Health Care Association (CHCA)
Project Cost by Implementer:AMD: 927,000 
Project Cost by JMF :AMD: 6,690,100
Beneficiaries Number:956