Mass Media as an Effective Advocate and Monitor in Implementation of Recent Policy Changes in the Health System

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are 20 regional journalists. Indirect beneficiaries are regional population of Armenia.

Project Areas: All regions of the Republic of Armenia

Project Goal: to advocate for effective implementation of the health policy reforms in Armenia, specifically addressing the Mother & Child Health (MCH) issues through Mass Media.

Project Objectives:

  1. By the end of 2012 to raise awareness of 20 mass media representatives and create a policy dialogue on recent policy changes in MCH sector, specifically addressing Obstetric Care Certificate Program, Child Health Certificate Program, promotion of breastfeeding and recently introduced “Law on Promotion of Breastfeeding and Breast Milk Substitutes”.
  2. To promote Media representatives’ active participation in monitoring process of above mentioned health policies implementation.
Project Type: Grant from Counterpart International
Start Date:October 15, 2012
End Date:February 15, 2013
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Zara Janibekyan
Donor Organization:Counterpart International Armenia
Project Cost by Donor Organization:AMD: 2,688,000 USD: 7,364
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 1,160,000  USD: 3,178
Beneficiaries Number:20

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