IT Skill Enrichment of Young People to Create Employment in the Regions of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: at least 50 motivated 18-45 ages people willing to have potential to become IT specialists from two regions (to be later specified) of Armenia. 

Project Area: Two regions of Armenia (to be identified in the initial stage of the project)

Project Goal: to contribute towards establishment of economic balance between rural regions and the capital by development of IT education environment in 2 regional cities/towns in Armenia to create prerequisites for potential employment in IT sector. 

Project Objectives: 

  • Increase interest and ensure learning opportunities for at least 50 people ages 18-45 living in 2 cities/towns and surrounding rural communities (to be later selected) who are capable and willing to advance in technical sciences. 
  • Provide IT sector employment opportunities in the Project’s targeted regions and cities/towns for at least 20 people ages 18-45.
Project Type:JMF initiative in co-funding with CGF
Start Date:October 1, 2021
End Date:October 31, 2022
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Liana Sargsyan
Implementer: JMF
Co-funder:Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (CGF)
Project Cost by JMF: AMD: 8,692,300 USD: 17,385 EUR: 15,030
Project Cost by co-funder:AMD: 20,241,550 USD: 40,483 EUR: 35,000
Beneficiaries Number:50