Winter Shoes to Schoolchildren from Artsakh

Beneficiaries Description:

Direct: 700 school-age children who have been displaced from Artsakh and are currently residing in 60 different communities within the Gegharkunik region

Indirect: Armenian shoemakers and their families

Project Areas: Sevan, Vardenis, and Chambarak areas of Gegharkunik region (3 towns and 57 villages)

Project Goal:

  • to contribute to the continuous proper education of the children of Artsakhi Armenians located in the Sevan, Vardenis, and Chambarak areas of Gegharkunik region of Armenia by providing warm winter shoes (to contribute of reducing the risk of children getting sick frequently and to contribute to the reduction of children's involvement in a new school environment and the complications of displacement)
  • An indirect goal is to support the footwear industry in Armenia.

Project Objectives: 

  • to provide warm winter boots to school-age children from the families displaced from Artsakh and living in the cities and villages of Vardenis, Sevan, and Chambarak regions of the Gegharkunik region by the end of December 2023.
  • to temporarily improve the socio-economic conditions of the families of the beneficiary children by reducing the cost of sending children to school.
  • to stimulate shoemaking industry in Armenia by providing temporary source of income to local shoemakers. 
Project Type: Self-initiated
Start Date:October 16, 2023
End Date: February 25, 2024
Coordinator/Responsible Person:Gevorg Aboyan
Implementer:Jinishian Memorial Foundation
Collaborating Organization(s) / partner(s):

Gegharkunik region's municipalities and schools 

Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 500,000 USD: 1,250
Project Cost by Co-funder:AMD: 14,000,000 USD: 35,000
Beneficiaries Number: 700