Centralized Heating System for Vanevan School

Beneficiaries Description: 164 direct beneficiaries, including 134 students, 30 teaching and support staff of Vanevan secondary school

Project Areas: Vanevan secondary school #4 (Vardenis community, Gegharkunik region)

Project Goal: to enhance the quality of general education provided at Vanevan village's secondary school

Project Objectives: 

  1. Establish a cooperative agreement among the Jinishyan Memorial Foundation, Gegharkunik Governorate, and Vanevan Secondary School for the implementation of a natural gas heating system within the school premises.
  2. In accordance with the project budget specifications, identify a qualified construction organization to undertake the installation of the heating system at Vanevan secondary school.
  3. Facilitate the selection of expert professionals to oversee the construction and assembly processes of the project, ensuring the highest standards of quality.
  4. Ensure a consistent and uninterrupted flow of financial contributions from both JMF and the Gegharkunik District (Marzpetaran) Office to facilitate the seamless execution of the project.
  5. Each partner shall assume responsibility for overseeing their respective project components and maintain transparent communication to openly discuss progress and results.
  6. Collaborate with all stakeholders involved in the project within its established framework.
Project Type: Self-initiated
Start Date:November 1, 2023
End Date: May 30, 2024
Coordinator/Responsible Person:Gevorg Aboyan
Implementer:School administration, Gegharkunik marz authorities
Collaborating Organization / partner:a) Vazgen Qocharyan - Principal of Vanevan secondary school
b) Karen Zazyan, Head of the education department in Gegharkunik region 
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 3,820,000 USD: 9,550
Project Cost by Collaborating Organization:AMD: 13,012,280 USD: 32,531
Beneficiaries Number: 164